A Charity using Music to help those in need of a little Joy


Musicians on Call (MOC) is a charity organization that brings live and recorded music to the bedsides of patients in healthcare facilities. The organization was founded in 1999 with a mission to provide the healing power of music to patients in hospitals, hospices, and other healthcare settings.

Since its inception, MOC has grown into a national organization with programs in over 100 healthcare facilities in 14 cities across the United States. Their programs are designed to bring a sense of comfort and joy to patients, families, and caregivers.

The musicians who participate in MOC programs are highly trained and skilled at providing therapeutic music to patients. They work with hospital staff to identify patients who could benefit from music and customize their performances to meet the needs of each patient. The musicians may play for patients who are receiving treatment, in recovery, or nearing the end of life.

One of the key benefits of MOC programs is that they can provide a distraction from the stresses and challenges of being in a healthcare facility. Music has been shown to reduce anxiety and pain, improve mood and overall well-being, and even lower blood pressure. For patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, for example, music can help to alleviate some of the side effects of treatment.

In addition to their live performances, MOC also has a Bedside Performance Program which allows patients to request a song to be played for them. The organization also provides recorded music through their Music Pharmacy, which has a library of more than 3,500 songs that patients can access.

MOC's programs not only benefit patients, but also provide opportunities for musicians to give back to their communities. Musicians on Call provides a platform for musicians to use their talents to make a positive impact in the lives of others.

In recent years, MOC has expanded its programs to include virtual performances, which have become even more important during the COVID-19 pandemic. With visitation restrictions and increased isolation, virtual performances have helped to bring a sense of community and connection to patients who are unable to have visitors.

Overall, Musicians on Call is an incredible charity organization that has been making a positive impact on the healthcare industry for over 20 years. By providing live and recorded music to patients in healthcare facilities, MOC is able to bring comfort, joy, and healing to those who need it most. The organization is a shining example of how the power of music can be harnessed for good, and its impact on patients and their families is immeasurable.

I have chosen Musicians on Call as the charity I will be donating to from my sales on eBay. It is easy to choose a charity while you are listing your items on eBay. 

Please go check on Musicians on Call and all of the amazing celebrity musicians who participate in helping those in need.

Musicians on Call

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